Saturday, September 15, 2007

Five Things I Know Tonight

1) I love the new Lucinda Williams' CD "West". Plan on listening to it tomorrow while reading the paper and drinking my coffee. Should go to church, but feel I may be called to enjoy my family in a very unglamorous way; hanging out in our bed.

2) Fundraisers can be fun. Enjoyed an evening with Emerging Leaders in Indianapolis last night. Won a delightful silk arrangement for my dining room. Colors are perfect. Greg picked up some wall art. Now I need him to hang it...and all the many other things that need to find a home here. Little by little, I guess.

3) Andrew is growing up and it makes me happy and sad at the same time. He gave me a "facial" this morning, went grocery shopping with me, and later we took a walk around the neighborhood. He held my hand; his soft little fingers laced with mine. He commented on the length of our shadows. So smart. So beautiful.

4) Having difficulty sleeping this past week. I did take allergy medication a couple of times, so that messed with my head some. The shift from warm weather to cooler evenings may have something to do with it as well. I actually slept in the basement a couple of nights. Did manage to get good rest there.

5) Feeling lost a bit; I can drive now, but don't have a car. Can go back to work now, but need to get there. Missing school. Wanting to preach. Still putting the last year in perspective so that I can glean what is good from it and grow...and maybe help others learn from it as well.

Suicide is a bitch.

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